The EnteriX servers allow comparative views of a reference bacterial or virus genome
with sequences from several related organisms using two different
visualization tools.
The Enteric
server offers large-scale views of pairwise alignments,
with point-and-click capabilities to retrieve related gene and alignment
The Menteric
tool displays nucleotide-level multiple alignments of
the genomic sequences, along with regulatory site annotations which
the user interested in conservation and functional studies may want to explore
further. A list of
currently supported reference genomes is here. Other organisms can
be integrated upon request, and as sequence data become available.
Enteric server
Menteric server
If you use this software in a publication, please cite:
A complete list of relevant bibliographical references is here.
EnteriX is provided to you by CBCB and collaborators:
Liliana Florea (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine);
Webb Miller, Cathy Riemer and Scott Schwartz (Penn State Center for Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics);
Michael McClelland (San Diego Institute for Biological Research);
Steve Forsythe (Nottingham Trent University); Vince Lee (University of Maryland);
Richard Wilson (Genome Sequencing Center, Washington University, St. Louis).
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